“Usually a small amount of wine, about 3 to 4 ounces, would be consumed with the meal.” “The wine consumed within the Mediterranean diet is done in moderation and is always consumed with food,” Paravantes-Hargitt says. One common misunderstanding is that those following the Mediterranean diet drink a lot of red wine. These include lentils, dried peas, beans, and chickpeas (like hummus). Eat more legumes. Not only are they a staple that you’re probably not eating enough of anyway but they’re budget-friendly and offer a host of nutritional benefits, says Paravantes-Hargitt, such as being high in fiber and protein, low in fat, and a source of B vitamins, iron, and antioxidants.Still, here are five important tips to get you started: You just continue the next day as if nothing happened.” ‘Cheating’ is part of the Mediterranean diet. “Food is to be enjoyed, and the Mediterranean diet promotes a healthy relationship with food. “Even within the Mediterranean diet there are what we call ‘special occasion days’ where you may eat more or eat foods that perhaps are not very healthy, but that is actually part of the lifestyle,” Paravantes-Hargitt says. There’s no following this to a T or falling off the wagon and feeling like a failure. The good news is that because this is a style of eating versus a set of rigid rules, you can fully customize this approach to suit your likes and dislikes.